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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Car Necessities Kit


         Now, this isn't your average 'car kit.' It doesn't have bungee cords or jumper cables. This kit isn't really meant for the driver, (though it can be) it's meant for the passengers.

        It can be hard to find and keep track of everything you need, especially if you're not in charge. That's why I put together this kit. It can be especially helpful to keep under the seat for little hands, but it can also be adapted for older kids, and even adults. 

         I put this kit together a while ago, and it's really been helpful.

In took one of those reusable grocery bags...

 And added what I thought I've needed in the car.
 Now, this is just what I need. Everyone might need different things.

  1.  I added gum. I love gum. I nearly always have it in my mouth, and it is a must for me.

2. I added some of my favorite snacks. When we have them at home, I also pack fruits, but they are perishable and have to be eaten quickly. These are full size, and the jerky is resealable. For kids, one-serving baggies or packages might be preferable.

3. I also added an extra hairband and (one lonely) bobby pin. You might want to add a comb, too.

4. I added a notebook, sticky notes, pencils and highlighters in case I remember something and need to quickly write it down.

5. Money. This can be an extra wallet with a $20 bill, or just your normal wallet. This can come in handy if you lose your wallet or something happens.

6. Hand Sanitizer and Chapstick. Chapped lips and disgusting hands can serve as a big distraction from anything. This is actually Vaseline in a small container, but it serves the same purpose.

This is pretty much all I had in this kit, but here are some things that you might need.
  • lotion
  • a mini hand sanitizer
  • paper towels
  • baby wipes for messes
  • tissues
  • headache or carsickness medicine
  • plastic grocery bags
  • breath mints
  • disposable water bottles
  • spare change

Hope this Helps :)


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